Majia specializes in the art and science of Generatology.
Generatology is the study of moral, emergent innovations and generative capacities that exist within all complex adaptive systems (CAS).
Humans are CASs. Couples, families, teams, organizations are all CASs. We all have this deep, raw and emergent capacity towards self-organization, moral innovation and re-invention. But if we don't use it or know how to use this generative intelligence that is alive within us, we lose it.
Majia has spent her whole life studying this bone level approach to transformation and re-invention, at personal, professional and academic levels.
Profound, transformative retooling, unheard of in today's world, is possible. In fact, in today's uncertain times, perhaps this innovative potential that is within us all is more and more becoming as essential as breathe.
To learn more, contact Majia at:
Majia has a master's in psychology and doctoral research in the field of Creative Emergence. Majia's education also spans to include instructor and masters level certification in Psychedelic Somatic Interactional Psychotherapy (PSI), along with training and certification in Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy (PACT), Intensive Trauma Response Therapy (ITR), Tension and Stress Releasing Exercises (TRE), Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB), Somatic Experiencing (SE), PULSE Mediation, Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP), BodyWay(c) Coaching, Leadership and Team Development, Strategic Business Management, Eating Disorder treatment and more.
Majia also studies and trainings combative play arts and sports, such as Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. She has discovered that for herself, combative play is a pathway to enter into a liminal space. The liminal is an uncertain transitionary zone between an old way of being and a new way of being. Playful activities that engage the liminal are vital to a creative and emergent life.